Jake Zelinger

Interdisciplinary Visual Artist | Multimedia Professional, Lifelong Educator, and Charismatic Leader.


Although a born artist, Zelinger studied film and television from a young age as a means through which to express himself and his creativity through a medium that was "more commercially successful," than fine art.

After working in both the major motion picture industry and educational video production, public and private sectors, teaching high school students media and screenwriting for 7 years, he began creating digital works of art on his iPad.

Zelinger worked as an educator for 7 years, between 2019 and 2022, teaching art, media, screenwriting and leadership. He left the classroom in November of 2022.

In early 2022, he released his first art works as non-fungible tokens and began a journey that he would not soon forget. By June of 2022, his works were highly sought after by digital art collectors and blockchain enthusiasts.

In late 2022, Zelinger reach the height of his success in the digital art world, having reached over 10 thousand viewers with his hand drawn animations and artistic responses to current cultural and social trends, and received an invite from Super Rare.

Since then he has been dedicating his time to his practice, and seeking more opportunities for creative collaboration and expansion.

